Friday, September 21, 2012

The Negotiator

Snuggling in bed before bedtime, which is getting later and later for these two toddlers, Kari gently and sweetly whispers in Mommy's ear, "I love you SOOOOO MUCH, Mommy..."

Feeling overwhelmed and overcome with joy, Mommy replies, "Awww....thank are soooo sweet!!"

Just as kind , loving, and sweet, she whispered again in Mommy's ear, "You're welcome..... (pausing 5 seconds) can you take me to disneyland again next time?"

That's my girl.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Perfect Imperfection.

Today I mentioned to Kari, "hey, show me your dimple baby..."
Kari replied, "I don't want that dimple anymore, can you take it away?  Why is there a little hole on my cheek?!?!"  I think she's always been a little upset about that perfectly adorable imperfection-in-her-eyes that she takes after her father.

I adore her. 

The perfect little angel that sprinkles happiness in my path.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Liar Liar Pants on Fire, Hangin' on a telephone wire

Mommy: Buckle up everyone! Are you all safely buckled?
Kari (lightning fast reply): Yes Mommy ready to go!
Kayla: No no...not yet, I am not...

Mommy did a final check before take off.  Kari sat there not buckled and not even trying. Kayla still struggling. Too young to be a little liar?

A few days later...

Kari hit Kayla, when Kayla just awoke from her nap in her bedroom.
Crying hysterically, Kayla issued a imminent threat to tell Mommy.
Poised and sly, Kari urged, "go ahead Kayla. Go tell Mommy! She is downstairs!  REMEMBER, she is DOWNSTAIRS! GO ON..."

Just a few minutes before that Kari had conversed with me in the office upstairs while Kayla was still sleeping..
Way too young to deceive...

For you, Little Miss Kari---

“Liar, liar, pants on fire. Hangin’ on a telephone wire!”
paraphrased version of the 1810 poem “The Liar” by William Blake.

Deceiver, dissembler
Your trousers are alight
From what pole or gallows
Shall they dangle in the night?

When I asked of your career
Why did you have to kick my rear
With that stinking lie of thine
Proclaiming that you owned a mine?

When you asked to borrow my stallion
To visit a nearby-moored galleon
How could I ever know that you
Intended only to turn him into glue?

What red devil of mendacity
Grips your soul with such tenacity?
Will one you cruelly shower with lies
Put a pistol ball between your eyes?

What infernal serpent
Has lent you his forked tongue?
From what pit of foul deceit
Are all these whoppers sprung?

Deceiver, dissembler
Your trousers are alight
From what pole or gallows
Do they dangle in the night?

Little Miss Demanding

Kari & Kayla: Mommy...I want milk...we want milk...M-I-L-K... Mommy: So sorry sweetie, Mommy forgot to buy milk.. maybe tomorrow! Kari: 我教妳 媽媽!妳可以買水阿! (Let me teach you Mommy, you can buy water ok?!)

Bunch of us adults gathered together standing in the garage and chatting up the storm. Suddenly came a little body and two little hands waving and shoving people aside, "EXCUSE ME EVERYBODY! LISTEN TO ME!!!" She's got to something to say...

Thursday, April 12, 2012

You can sue my head

Mommy: Oh! hit my head with your head. Ouch, I am going to sue you. Can I sue you?
Kari: No, Mommy. You can sue my head.