Mommy: Oh Kari, stop waving your fork around when you eat, you're making the bread crumbs fly all over the place.
Kari, pensive: But Mommy, Kari cannot fly..." (可是媽蜜,妹妹不會飛阿...)
Two weeks ago I showed kari a couple of signs that says "Sit down please" and " quiet". She doesn't read yet, at least nobody has attempted to teach her just yet. But she picked out the sign that says "Sit down please" and she correctly read it. Then she picked out the sign " quiet" and she said just that quietly, " quiet." I think she has some amazing memory, probably even better than most adults!
She made a phone with her magnets stacked up, and went to the corner of the room.
“維維,阿媽在嗎?阿媽你在作什麼阿? 你在see pong pong嗎?你在外mieng 嗎?“