Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Quiet moment

Few and rare you'll find her in these moments,
before she jumps and hops and bounces off again.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Mouth full

Hand full of rice puffs...then mouth full of it... still cute as a button...

Friday, August 20, 2010

Nessi from Auntie Dora

Auntie Dora is finally back...and brought back Nessi from Netherland. Here's Kari's attempt to ride Nessi...

1.Let's try to ride it like a horse... 2. Dirty look from Kari when she fell off from the back. 3. Get up again for another attempt.

4. Down we go...down we go... 5. Oh man..you fooled me once, and fooled me again!!! 6. Kari decided to have a moment with Nessi, as she called it a turtle, then a frog.. "NOT A HORSE, " she declared.

Lost it...

Today Kari helped me wipe Kayla's butt during a diaper change...

Today Kari said, "Ghe ghe zo kai, mei mei yao liuo hua ti la! (sister go away, Kari will go down the slide now)"

She asked herself as she played, "One more time?" She responded to herself, "hao ba!" (okay)

Today Kari hid the blue cereal bowl inside the DVD shelf. When Mommy later inquired on its whereabouts, she started digging through the DVD shelf. I thought she was confused, but then she took out the blue cereal bowl... her head is as clear as the sky!

Today Mommy needed some serious anger management... lost it.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Kari's Artwork

no...she didn't write that, in case you're wondering... she drew all the explosions, however....


Kari running through the neighborhood streets looking for her favorite park...

Kari said, "Mommy...cold!"

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Water water everywhere

Upon returning home from their favorite slide in the park, we had to wait for the sprinkler water to stop prior to entering. Daddy decided to make a run for it with Kayla. Kari thought she should as well. She dashed through the sprinkling water half way down the walkway, then she walked back towards me getting double dose of water.

Kari called out to the little American older boy in the park "brother" in Chinese. Ignored. She watched him swing on the balance beam carelessly. His feet kicked her face a couple of times. I rescued her away, and she kept touching her face and said, "ghe ghe doing the swing and his feet kicked mei mei's face..." Long sentence, poor baby.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The meaning of Sharing... part II

Mommy gave Kari a pen and paper to draw on the way home. Kari scribbled away happily for a while until sister Kayla asked to draw as well. "give sister!" she exclaimed. Mommy tried to get Kari to take turns with Kayla. Kari refused. Mommy forcefully took away pen and paper and gave to Kayla. Kari cried angrily and would not stop until it was her turn again.

Giving the pen and paper back to Kari, Mommy angrily and loudly asked,

In tears, with pen and paper in her hands, Kari replied,
"Is to draw picture together with sister..."

whoa....my baby is growing up fast!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The meaning of Sharing...

I told little Kari yesterday, with a aweful cringe,
that my foot hurt... (jammed it into the wall last week)
She looked at my toe and frowned for a while.
She showed a look of pain and shared it with me.

Today she walked over to me
bent down to inspect my toe
looking concerned again,
she said, "Mommy's foot hurts..."

I thank you for your genuine concern and for remembering...
Many don't care and don't even remember.
You are close to my heart, and I know you will be always.

Can I go home now?

Think Kari had a long day... Usually she always chooses to stay out. Tonight I asked her if she'd like to go out, and she said, "no....bu yiao xu chi ya..." I asked her if she'd like to go inside. She nodded, "hao..." Mommy wanted to go out, but the baby finally got tired.

In the middle of the night, mei mei wakes and asks for milk. Her wish unfulfilled, she cries and cries until her tears run dry. Then suddenly she stops, looks up, and declares seriously, "Mommy didn't buy milk ah.... No milk ah....no pacifier ah... Mommy buy when mr.sun comes up in the morning. Mommy buy lots and lots of milk...and lots and lots of pacifiers... for sister...for mei mei...and for Ama...and for Agon....and for Ayi.. and for Gu Gu...."

Mei mei goes on and on... so serious but so cute, so annoying cuz I wanna sleep but she is still so adorable. XOXO...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Victoria Garden

Sweet pic with Baba... Baba finally is done with the arduous stretch of night shifts, and can take mei mei out for a walk!

"Motorcycle, Mommy! hao do car oh..."
I like mei mei's eyes in this pic...Her new right double eyelid makes her look like a doll!

Monday, August 2, 2010

My baby Kari is resembling me more and more. She's a light sleeper like me. She nags and nags until she gets her way. She's a bit afraid of anything new. She's loves the slide yet she's scared to death of it. She's quite a sweet talker, and she very clingy to the ones she loves...She loves our quality time together. My daughter alright.

Kari taking her puppy for a walk, but her recent fears for any flying thing or any speck of dust has her in tears...