Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Victoria Garden

Sweet pic with Baba... Baba finally is done with the arduous stretch of night shifts, and can take mei mei out for a walk!

"Motorcycle, Mommy! hao do car oh..."
I like mei mei's eyes in this pic...Her new right double eyelid makes her look like a doll!

1 comment:

  1. 中间那张好温馨哟!一个拔比捧着他像个洋娃娃似的北鼻!妈眯抱比较没有那样的效果,因为妈眯的脸太小了,跟北鼻的脸差不多大!抱北鼻的时候看起来比较吃力。还有,北鼻的双眼皮好漂亮哟!:)
