Saturday, October 30, 2010

Giving orders

At Cousin Kenneth's three year birthday, little Kari saw everyone hurrying in for the cake cutting ceremony as Grandpa still sat comfortably at the outdoor swing chair. Quickly she gave her orders, "Grandpa chi lai! (get up) go inside and cut the cake!" Reminds me of how she always shouts for her daddy to come out to get her when she arrives at the door, "爸爸出來! 出來帶妹妹!” Or that time when she shook me awake and shoved me right out of the bed, muttering, "媽咪出去!“ little kari is always clear on what she wants to do and what she wants everyone around her to do. We asked her if she would like tho go to school for the day. She replied, with agitation, "mei mei Bu yao chi suay siao, mei mei yao chi Ama jia!!" Then she proceeded to pull Ama off the couch to take her to Ama house. When w. grandma didn't Get up right away, there she was again with her funny angry pose...

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