Sunday, October 3, 2010

Do Re Mi Fa So

Not quite two yet.

She sang it today! "Do Re Mi Fa So"...

While the young-at-heart Daddy swinging away on the bar, Kari said, "爸爸shao shin la, ni huay diaw shia la oh...(Daddy be careful, you might fall down oh). She scolded kayla the same the other day.

Favorite phrase: "IT'S MINE!!!!!" completed with her arms wrapped around her toy to hide it from sight, and quickly running away.

Favoirte activity: Learning to hop and bounce around to music, with occasional success... Oh, and let's not forget "BICYCLES" and "lio hua ti (slide)".

The toy that always makes her cry: Lego building blocks... she does get very frustrated..

Before she leaves her Ama & Agon's house, she always politely says, "Good-bye, Ama Agon. Mei-Mei 要徊家了 (going home). Will come see you again next time."

She picked up a teddy bear yesterday and said to it, "bear bear be good, don't cry, or Mommy DA DA!"

I took over the bear, shocked. I comforted the bear with my correction, "bear bear be good, don't cry, because Mommy loves you."

Kari looked at me with her eyes wide open, then a frown. Further correction from Kari as she took the bear from me, "Mommy 關廁所!!!!(Time out in the bathroom)" she insisted.

Truly, madly, deeply, I do love you little Kari pie.
Terrible Twos, terrible twos.... comes early like everything else for her!

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