Baby Kari knew her alphabets and most numbers by 12-14 months. Now she can recite the entire ABC song by herself, as well as the numbers in correct sequence both English and Chinese. She can speak a lot of sentences. Today she ran inside the house from the backyard, and yelled "Wu tze dao la". I walked outside and saw that the tent had been blown upside down by the wind. While I was lying next to her in the room this evening, I yelled for her dad for help to get some medicine. I said, "Lo gon!" She replied back, "Lo GON! ....LO GON Lie la!" Her favorite thing to say when I change Kayla's Diaper is, "sister's diaper is so smelly!!" She is also quite a rebel. In the car on our drive, she often announces, "Dao le! (we are here)". I would counter, "hai mei dao! NOT YET!" She smiles slyly and pretends to be upset. One day I tell her, "DAO LE! (we are here)". She replied, "hai mei dao! (NOT YET)". I love my little rebel. Here's one of her favorite things: straws, spoons, toothbrushes.
Kayla's favorite fruit: "A-GA!" (means watermelon in Chinese for her) She says it with such emphasis. If I challenge her furthur with "see gua", she'll say "GA-GA!" It's rather cute... I ask them who should get the milk first, they always unanimously reply, "ghe ghe sian (older sister first)". Lala knows quite a few alphabets as well. Although she doesn't like to show it off, she surprises me often. I appreciate her gentle presence and patience, for Kari is quite the opposite. She compiled a bunch of stickers on the wall the other day, stepped back, and "Wowed" herself. She was so proud of her little art work that she stood back and admired it for minutes. "WOW....", she said again.
KK's favorite activity: parading around in the backyard.
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