Kari, with a chicken nugget in one hand, goes to the designated area and strikes a pose. "Picture," she says. Resulting pic below.

She understood the concept of a "picture" very early on. Starting 8 months or so, she'll say picture every time she sees one. About a year and two months she starts to peek at the photos I take. If she's not happy with the photo, she'll go right back to the same spot and re-adjust her pose. The other day she saw a picture I took of Kayla, and thought it was cute. She wanted me to take the same pose for her. She made me laugh.
While getting some boxes ready for a friend, I tossed all their old clothes on the floor and slowly organized into the box. Kari must have thought I was very inefficient spending the whole morning doing so, she decided to help me. Very quickly she threw all the clothes into the box, and within a minute we were done!! Hahaha...skipping the folding of course. My cute little helper... I see light in the near future...
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